Maaike Bouwmeester
Advisory Board Member
Maaike Bouwmeester is a Clinical Assistant Professor at NYU's Steinhardt School in the Education Communication and Technology Program. She has spent the better part of two decades working at the intersection of educational software and learning theory. "The League of Young Inventors meets a unique need in that it combines a 'maker mindset' (playful, growth versus deficit oriented, and collaborative) with a historical lens that helps kids make sense of otherwise daunting and abstract scientific concepts and engineering practices." "Kids love to understand how things work, but we as adults are often at a loss as to how to answer their questions. If we can construct math and science environments where students have a chance to have those questions spurred in their minds, have a chance to ask those questions, play with exploring answers, and then get the guidance and feedback to learn from answers of the past, then they are actually engaging in math and science. They are learning to see math and science everywhere."